Ep68 – Can Anyone Hear Me? Communication Challenges in Sheri’s Recovery

January 4, 2021

Family communication is fraught with pitfalls whether alcoholism is a factor or not. But with sobriety, we can make progress in our discovery. In this episode, Sheri and Matt discuss a family communication issue made worse by Matt’s dismissal of Sheri’s concerns and challenges. Ultimately, it was triggering for both of them and reminiscent of behavior from their alcoholic marriage. But Sheri’s instincts persevered, and this story is emblematic of the couple’s progress. In this episode, Sheri and Matt get excited about Jane’s suggestion to replace the word, “recovery,” with the word, “discovery.” To hear more insights from Jane, please listen to Ep54.

If you love an alcoholic, and your recovery could benefit from connection with people who understand, please check out our Echoes of Recovery program.

Echoes of Recovery

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