Ep41 – Parenting Sober: Journey into the Unknown

June 8, 2020

Sheri and Matt had drastically different exposures to alcohol when we were growing up, and we carried that experience into our parenting roles. Our kids were all exposed to Matt’s alcoholism, to varying degrees because of their different ages, but now, they are all exposed to this experiment where both parents are both sober and educated on the dangers of alcohol. On this episode, we talk about our excitement about the outcomes so far of our approach to parenting in recovery. But we also share our anxiety about the future. We encourage anyone who wants to transform their family unit to one where alcohol has ben eliminated, and the truth about alcohol is exposed, to consider joining our Echoes of Recovery program for the loved ones of alcoholics. For more information, or to enroll, please click the link below:

Echoes of Recovery

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