Ep42 – The Alcohol is Gone, But the Asshole Lingers

June 22, 2020

One of the most common concerns Sheri and Matt hear from the loved ones of alcoholics is, “He’s a drunk asshole now, but what if he sobers up, and he’s still an asshole?” The processes of alcoholism sobriety and relationship recovery are long and arduous, and they take as much patience as they require effort. Just as alcoholism is a progressive disease, there is a progression to recovery. We don’t lose our asshole-ness as soon as we put down the drink. It takes time, and the final destination isn’t perfect. But it’s a good, normal, asshole-free messy.

If you are the loved one of an alcoholic, and you would like to connect with others who know what you are going through, please consider joining our Echoes of Recovery program. Check out the link below:

Echoes of Recovery

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