Ep238 – Origins of Anxiety

April 8, 2024

The chaos and trauma of active addiction is obvious. But what about before we acknowledge alcoholism? What about before we cross that invisible line? The efforts we make to manipulate our partners seem simple, even helpful, on the surface. But the partners of alcoholics often suffer from anxiety caused by not feeling worthy. When partners eventually lose respect for their alcoholic, they often find respect for themselves.

If you are or were the partner of an alcoholic, please check out our Alcoholic Intimacy Survey.

If you love or loved an alcoholic, and your recovery could benefit from connection with people who understand, please check out our Echoes of Recovery program.

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2 comments on “Ep238 – Origins of Anxiety

  1. Nancy Seavitt Apr 16, 2024

    This was an amazing episode and was exactly what I needed to hear today. My husband and I are struggling right now after 51 years of marriage. Although he’s not an alcoholic, his drinking has caused me a lot of anxiety. On top of that we have trouble communicating about many things including my son’s alcoholism. So overwhelming that we end up fighting about it. We are working with a therapist about my son but not about us. Your podcast will help me move forward on this issue. At least to be able to address our differences may help reduce the anxiety. Thank you. This was the right podcast at the right time

    • Thanks for the feedback, Nancy, and thanks for sharing part of your story. We hope you keep listening, and we wish your whole family the best!