Ep138 – Looking Back but Moving Forward with Bridget

May 9, 2022

Bridget stayed with her husband as his drinking destroyed his health and their marriage. The lies, the hiding and the gaslighting is something with which so many loved ones of alcoholics are familiar. She made the impossibly hard but healthy decision to move on and live the life they had planned to live together, alone. Bridget describes in emotional detail how she loved her husband, the man she married. But the man alcohol transformed him into is not the man she loved. At the end of the episode, she also surprises Matt with her advice for mothers of young children who are in similar situations.

If you love or loved an alcoholic, and your recovery could benefit from connection with people who understand, please check out our Echoes of Recovery program.

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2 comments on “Ep138 – Looking Back but Moving Forward with Bridget

  1. Cindy Kohl May 9, 2022

    I so relate to this story. My husband and I have been married for 33 years. He has done rehab 3 times. He has been sober for 6 months. He has returned home but I did not miss him etc. So sad how does love die like this from my trauma etc from the last 3years.

    • Love can only withstand so much. We’ve got to start treating alcohol like the dangerous relationship killer and people changer that it is. I’m so sorry for your situation, Cindy!