Ep58 – Neither of You are to Blame

October 19, 2020

Alcoholism is so insidious because of how it creeps into relationships and destroys us from the inside. When did my husband turn from a sweet, loving man into such a repulsive tyrant? When did my wife become so nasty and nagging, and why isn’t she interested in me anymore? Even in early sobriety, both parties in an alcoholic relationship are trying to assess blame. Sure, he is an alcoholic, but I am not exactly easy to live with. I know I’ve got to own my drinking, but she turned into a complete bitch.

In this episode, Sheri and Matt discuss how important it is to blame the disease. If you are trying to assess blame in your alcoholic marriage, blame the alcohol.

If you are the loved one of an alcoholic, and your recovery could benefit from connection with people who understand, please check out our Echoes of Recovery program.

Echoes of Recovery

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2 comments on “Ep58 – Neither of You are to Blame

  1. Donna B Oct 21, 2020

    Thank you. Thank you. both for exposing yourselves so gracefully. Every note was part of our tune, every song of Sheri’s , I have sung. Our names could be your names.. Our life together will hopefully parallel yours , towards freedom from alcohol and all of its manifestations. Namaste ??