Ep24 – When Alcohol Stops Working with Jolene Park

November 11, 2019

Jolene Park and her friends were like the cast of Sex in the City with their nights on the town and affinity for classy wines while complaining about their relationship struggles. The dots where there, but Jolene couldn’t connect them. Until she stopped drinking.

Now Jolene is a leading voice talking about the benefits of going alcohol free, no matter where you are on the spectrum from casual drinker to falling-down drunk. Learn more about her nutrition and freedom from drinking coaching at grayareadrinkers.com and healthydiscoveries.com.

Check out Jolene’s interview on the Home Podcast with Laura McKowen and Holly Whitaker that really launched her work in this area. Then, check out her Tedx that went viral and has over 120,000 views.

This is a great conversation with a health care professional and sobriety badass doing great work to destroy the stigma and help people become their best selves when they leave drinking behind.

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