Ep56 – Our Wedding: Making the Trauma Typical

October 5, 2020

Sheri and Matt tell the story of the trauma of their wedding. Devastating and heartbreaking? Yes. Unusual? Sadly, no. It was such a shameful event that this is only the second time the couple has shared the story publicly, the first being in their new book, soberevolution: Evolve into Sobriety and Recover Your Alcoholic Marriage.

This episode is emotional. The tears come from the sadness of lost potential, and also how ridiculously common the events that took place just before the couple’s wedding and on through the reception truly are. It is their story, but it is probably your story, too.

If you are the loved one of an alcoholic, and your recovery could benefit from connection with people who understand, please check out our Echoes of Recovery program.

Echoes of Recovery

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